Website Design

Website Design > Weiner Millo Morgan & Bonanno

Weiner Millo Morgan & Bonanno


DLS Design completed the site for Weiner Millo Morgan & Bonanno, a general business and litigation boutique. The site is a nice reset for the firm, graphically and operationally. Of the designs we proposed, the firm picked this one with warmer colors, aggressive typography and a homepage slideshow; they report much greater ease of use and updating compared to their old platform, ColdFusion, which is now used on less than 1% of all websites. DLS had asked another client for an introduction, and worked through the disruptions of COVID to arrive at the current product.

At A Glance >
Weiner Millo Morgan & Bonanno   |   
New York, New Jersey and Connecticut    |   
01/17/2022   |