Website Design

Website Design > John M. Fitzgibbons

Tampa criminal defense practice utilizes images of well-known office building

John M. Fitzgibbons

Tampa criminal defense practice utilizes images of well-known office building


DLS Design’s new website for John Fitzgibbons, a criminal defender in Tampa, Florida, has a stable, comfortable feeling, probably owing to the warm colors and furnishings in this homepage photo, depicting the firm’s office. Read in detail and you’ll learn the firm takes on high-stakes criminal matters and investigations. We used plain white pages and a clear, traditional serif font, to minimize density on long descriptions of cases and trials, speaking and writing by the principal. The site is enriched by images of the historic Tampa Theatre and Office Building where they are located.

At A Glance >
John M. Fitzgibbons   |   
Tampa, FL   |   
03/31/2023   |